Mid summer dog sport festival 2024, Kisakallio Finland

Its 12 days until we meet at the AGIFEST in Kisakallio, Finland.

As official partners, we are there for the kids. Kids are welcome to our booth to play and hang around. There will be agility related games and challenges. And from every day we have three 30-45 minute ”Funna sessions” available.

Sessions are aimed at children aged 5-12. No dogs are needed. You can register your child for Funna sessions in advance at: https://forms.office.com/e/4r60UVaSb7

Welcome to have fun with Funna crew: Hilma, Essi and Senna.

Check these out too!

Funna experiences


What a win-win hour! Child gets activated and challenged, the dog gets his daily activity and parent gets out walking and making new friends too. 4 strikes for an hour

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